Deploying Middleman to Github Pages

I've had quite some trouble deploying my site to github pages. The reason is that the deploy needs to be configured differently, depending on whether you create a website for a project or for your account. The default configuration won't work if you're making a website for an account. This configuration worked for me:

activate :deploy do |deploy|
  deploy.deploy_method = :git
  deploy.branch = 'master'

Also, note that the current version of middleman-deploy (1.0.0) doesn't seem to do the trick, I had to use the alpha Version: gem "middleman-deploy", "~> 2.0.0.pre.alpha"

After figuring out how it works, I must say that I'm quite happy with the result: The deploy works like a charm and I've got a free website now, ssl already included! 😄